Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Considerations in Continuing this Experiment
But I'm thinking that this will be the last post here for a while. Three main reasons:
- There are some technical problems that are making this difficult. Apparently Verizon fixed some sort of problem at vzwpix.com and my posts are able to get through now. I say apparently because the post below took two days to get from my cell phone to this blog. The process used to work dependably and I don't have time to figure out how to fix it right now.
- I have entered National Novel Writing Month and committed to producing a novel and have only 20 days left to do so. I'm making excellent progress, but this takes a lot of time.
- Maybe most important, writing this novel is clearly the most engaged I can possibly be while I have my clothes on and am not on a tennis court. I hope that this novel doesn't completely suck, because I know I'm a good editor and I can make it a lot better. And I may seriously think about attempting to do this full time after I am done writing it.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Crunching numbers
I am preparing some spreadsheets to format election exit-poll data as it comes in. Pretty energetic, mostly out of fear that when it finally comes in I won't be able to do it before the deadline. And feeling pretty good about being able to help.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Writing again
Work on the NaNoWriMo novel never ceases. Well, I guess it will cease on November 30.
Making good progress after an extremely busy weekend with two birthday parties for my son, who will be nine years old tomorrow morning at 8:27 am.
Feeling good but tired.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
At a hockey game/birthday party with my son and his soccer friends. There are like 14 of us. I think if you include the pep band that's like almost half the crowd at the lightly-attended game. Lowell Riverhawks won 5-0 against Merrimack. I'm tired but having a pleasant enough time.
Mobile blog up and running again
I have no idea how this worked out, but the gears and fan belts are all going in the right directions now and I can post with my mobile phone once again.
I called Verizon yesterday, thinking that the communications problem might be at vzwpix.com, since I wasn't getting responses from them that they had received my posts. But I still don't understand why they would get the messages in the first place. I am sending them directly to go@blogger.com.
Anyway, the time-intensive and somewhat unsatisfying experiment that is real-life postcards will resume today, thanks, I'm guessing, to the patient and kind Crystal at Verizon.
I'll probably have to spend some time getting the formatting on this site worked out, though. Perhaps I should learn some more html, or CSS. I changed the format of the site when I was having technical problems, because I switched over to beta.blogger. I don't know if I still have the option to play around with the formatting directly.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Working on my NaNoWriMo Novel

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Putting my novel online

I was just finishing uploading the first 200o or so words of my novel for NaNoWriMo and I wanted to check my mail. Here's the front page of Yahoo I was looking at. Perhaps it oriented the feature around my keystrokes? I dunno.
Anyway, I'm exhausted and can't seem to concentrate on anything. I'm going to bed, even though I should be cleaning the basement in preparation for Saturday's string of birthday parties. I feel pretty good about my day, though.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Notes on Data Collection
Coming home to help with the Costume