Thursday, September 14, 2006

Screwed up Yesterday, Driving to work

This one is not countable. I don't know what happened yesterday. It was the second day of the experiment and somehow I never got the second message to post. I don't blame emailthefuture. Is it possible I got the date wrong or something? Who knows. I'll just have to be more careful in the future. When you are entering a calling time it is easy to forget to change the date.

The "Tsongas for President" sticker is from the 1992 campaign. It is on a pedestrian crossing along the VFW Highway and Vandenberg Esplanade in Lowell. It is weathered but the color is pretty much the same as it has always been (I have been through the Tsongas archives and there is a box of these that is, if I recall correctly, the same minty green as this one.)

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