Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mobile blog up and running again

I have no idea how this worked out, but the gears and fan belts are all going in the right directions now and I can post with my mobile phone once again.

I called Verizon yesterday, thinking that the communications problem might be at, since I wasn't getting responses from them that they had received my posts. But I still don't understand why they would get the messages in the first place. I am sending them directly to

Anyway, the time-intensive and somewhat unsatisfying experiment that is real-life postcards will resume today, thanks, I'm guessing, to the patient and kind Crystal at Verizon.

I'll probably have to spend some time getting the formatting on this site worked out, though. Perhaps I should learn some more html, or CSS. I changed the format of the site when I was having technical problems, because I switched over to beta.blogger. I don't know if I still have the option to play around with the formatting directly.

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