Saturday, September 16, 2006

Checking out at Hannaford


Saw Rachael Ray's show on the food channel while I was watching the dog last night and she was making something she called "Spanikopizza," thus the kalamata olives and the chicken. I was going to make dinner so that Professor Spouse could go on with her academizing. It calls for spinach, but frozen spinach, which I think has avoided the e-coli problems. I should probably make sure, though I don't know how to do that. Is there an FDA website about this sort of stuff. I seem to remember checking something that told about meat-born pathogens a few years back.

Anyway, shopping has always been a way to waste time for me. I used to spend hours a day wandering around with a toddler in a shopping cart, because I knew he would be interested, etc. Anyway, have energy enough to plan a dinner, so that's good. And I'm feeling pretty good about things in general. I am interacting minimally, but pleasantly. And I was thinking about . . . I'm not sure. . . .

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