Friday, September 29, 2006

Eating lunch


I should have taken a picture inside the restaurant, but I was with others and didn't want them to be self-conscious. Inside the ceilings are almost exactly two meters tall and painted the same yellow as some of the outside here. Unfortunately, there are beams and pipes all around it at strategic intervals. My lunch was pretty good, a Pamplona Special, with ham, pork, provalone, and little slices of pickle on Italian bread sort of heated and squished. The other two ordered bean soup, which is usually substantial fare, but this looked as if someone smashed up some black beans and then strained the mixture through a coffee filter. You could see about half-way through it until the sour cream melted.

Had a very pleasant lunch. I always learn a lot from listening to the bosses. Still tired at the end of it all, though.

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