Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Watching the dog again


There is this time in the morning when I have to hang out with her (or have to foist her on the kid, which is sometimes worse, because then I feel guilty). We have eaten breakfast and I have to wait just a few minutes before foisting her on my lovely wife. So I went out to check the temperature and noticed that there are some nice fall colors, finally. We should seriously think about planting some sugar maples in the front yard. This neighborhood is maple-deficient.

Maybe we should secretly plant some maples in the front yard of the neighbors across the street.

Pretty good energy and glad to be going back to work, although there are some problems there that I'll have to deal with first thing.

These pictures over the last five days (except the one day that was missed entirely) were taken with a Nikon View camera, rather than the usual phone-cam. The wife had the phone for her business trip. the last three pictures, this one included, are again with the camera phone.

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